Sunday, February 15, 2009

My Buddy

Recently, my family and I have gone through some troubled waters. Although it's been rather difficult, there has been one little ray of physical sunshine through all of this (besides comfort from God): my nephew, Caleb. Recently I was thinking about this little guy, and all the joy he’s brought to our lives, and how he’s lightened up my own personal life just by his existence. I know his aunts, uncles and grandparents on the other side of the world could say the same thing about him :-) Without his presence, I think my own troubled waters would have been deeper. I know he’s only my nephew, but I really do love that little man. And then I got to thinking. Why do I love him? What has he ever done for me? He’s cost me money, he’s cost me time, and he’s cost me gas in my car (long story). He’s vomited on me, hit me in anger, kicked me, been mad at me, misunderstood me, thrown a toy on my head with all his might, and cried in my arms. He’s brought me no material profit, no worldly gain, and has never done anything substantial for me. And yet, I love him. I have sheltered him from cold, placed his needs above my own, fed him, changed him, and cuddled him, and yet my love for him continues to grow. When he looks at me with his beautiful blue eyes, it melts my heart. When he smiles at me, when he recognizes me, when he clings to me for protection (those uncles teasing him again ), it makes it all worth it. I have never hated him, never been mad at him, and never wished I didn’t know him. Why do I love him? I love him because he is my nephew (and he’s the cutest toddler in the world!). His acceptance is based on who his parents are (my brother and sister-in-law). He did nothing to earn my love – I had it for him before he was even born. It was given the moment I found out he existed inside of his mother. Nothing will ever change that.

Now, here’s where the spiritual part comes in. God is not my aunt or uncle – He’s my Father, and He told me to call Him that. He loved me before I was born, before I was even saved. Why? I did nothing for Him. I’ve rejected Him, ignored Him, slandered Him, hated Him, misunderstood Him, and spit in His face. I’ve gone my own way, done my own thing, and ruined His plans. And yet, He loves me. Why? I’ve cost Him His time, life, and resources. Yet He has sheltered me and put my needs above His own. I bring Him no profit, and I never could do anything that would repay Him for what He’s done for me. Yet He loved me before I was born, and continues to love me still. His love was there ready to be given to me because of Who Jesus is. My acceptance in God’s eyes is based on Jesus Christ. It’s not because of me. I’m only accepted in the Beloved. And perhaps, when I love God with that innocent child-like love that Caleb loves me with (and all his aunts and uncles and grandparents, even in Africa!), when I trust Him that what He does and allows in my life is allowed by a good God Who is love, it must bring my heavenly Father joy. When I rest in Him, perhaps that makes being a “Father” worth it all. As for Caleb and I, I don’t know what the future holds. But I know that little guy will always have a special place in my heart. I love him with all the love an aunt can have. And I think, in his little way, he loves me too. And I know that God’s love for me is so much greater than my love for my nephew. I’m thankful for my brother and sister-in-law for allowing me to be a part of my nephew's life, and for God’s little ray of sunshine to me – my buddy, Caleb :-)


  1. Awesome post! Awesome comparison! What an awesome nephew we have! ;)

  2. mmmmm...very i shall have to get a blog too to keep on top of everything. ;) CALEB IS TOOOOOO CUUUUTTTEE!!! my word. hahaha.
