Have you ever felt like you were being attacked by someone who was misjudging you? Have you ever been misunderstood, as someone has believed the worst about you, when you were reaching out to that person in love? I have. One summer day, I found myself in a situation where I had unsuspectingly stepped into a brewing storm. I was shocked, hurt, stunned. After I escaped into seclusion, the tears which had started turned into heart wrenching sobs. I tried to think of how God must have felt when this world rejected and misunderstood Him when He had sent Christ to save them. To express my feelings, I wrote this song:
Verse 1:
A guilty world of sinful souls, rejecting their Creator.
A slighted God looking from above at mankind against it’s Maker.
Misunderstanding reigned in life, a result of sin’s rebellion;
Betrayal, anger, and bitter strife, required God’s salvation.
But as His Son died upon a tree, nailed and bruised in agony,
So few would turn to look above and see that God is love.
Verse 2:
The remedy for sinful man is by many not elected,
The consequences still abound as salvation is rejected.
There will be time, God did decide, to give men to repent,
Not willing that any should perish or die His only Son He sent.
Verse 3:
A selfish, stubborn, rebellious world still refuses to love their Maker,
Instead they love their sinful pleasures rejecting the Savior.
Their hearts are given to idols here as they worship at their feet,
But the broken heart of a loving God reaches down for man to meet.
To listen to a sound clip of this song, click here
A Musician's Musings
The musings of a musician who is on a quest to make much of God.
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Step Out of the Ship
Have you ever thought about where you're looking? Not physically, but spiritually? Lately I've been challenged to think about where my spiritual eyes have been - are they on myself, others, circumstances, probabilities, or are they on Christ? I can tell when I'm looking at myself, because I find no hope within me to do anything right. Why should I think any differently? Didn't Jesus say, "Without me ye can do nothing?" (Jn.15:5). Have you ever felt like the Romans 7:14-25 man, that when you would do good, evil is present with you, and how to perform that which is good you find not? Have you ever cried out, "O wretched man that I am, who shall deliver me from the body of this death?" Look at what Paul's prescription for this malady is: "I thank God through Jesus Christ our Lord" (Rom.7:25). All of our hope is in Jesus Christ. We are to rejoice in the Lord, not in ourselves (Phil.4:4); Christ is my life, living in me (Gal.2:20); I am to reckon myself dead to sin and alive to God through Him, not myself (Rom.6:12-13). When I take my eyes off of Christ, and put them on the storms of life around me, my feet begin to sink beneath the stormy waters. The only way I can walk on water is by looking unto Jesus. It doesn't make any scientific sense, but it makes spiritual sense.
A few years ago, I wrote a song called, Step Out of the Ship. The idea for writing it actually came from a comment my dad had made to someone about how they were looking at the waves in their life, and as a result, how they "fell." I was then reminded of the Biblical account in Matthew 14:23-33. Matthew tells the story of Jesus walking on the water towards His disciples, and how Peter stepped out onto the sea by faith, walking on the waves towards Jesus. But then, instead of keeping His eyes on Christ, he started looking at the wind. It was then that he began to sink. But then he wised up, and he called out to Jesus, Who immediately reached out and grabbed him. That was the smartest thing Peter could do in that situation. I wonder how many times I've been there, and instead of calling out to Christ, I've tried to figure out how I can get myself out of the waves...turn your eyes on Christ, and walk on water!
A few years ago, I wrote a song called, Step Out of the Ship. The idea for writing it actually came from a comment my dad had made to someone about how they were looking at the waves in their life, and as a result, how they "fell." I was then reminded of the Biblical account in Matthew 14:23-33. Matthew tells the story of Jesus walking on the water towards His disciples, and how Peter stepped out onto the sea by faith, walking on the waves towards Jesus. But then, instead of keeping His eyes on Christ, he started looking at the wind. It was then that he began to sink. But then he wised up, and he called out to Jesus, Who immediately reached out and grabbed him. That was the smartest thing Peter could do in that situation. I wonder how many times I've been there, and instead of calling out to Christ, I've tried to figure out how I can get myself out of the waves...turn your eyes on Christ, and walk on water!
Verse 1:
The disciples of the Lord were in a ship,
Toiling in their rowing on the sea.
When out walking on the waves they saw a man,
And they wondered in fear who it could be.
For when they saw that man they were afraid.
They were troubled and cried out in fear.
But Jesus quickly spake unto them,
Saying, "It's I, be not afraid, be of good cheer."
Step out of the ship, put your feet upon the water,
Come while the Savior calls to you.
Turn your eyes from the wind,
Keep your eyes upon the Savior,
Come while He calls for you.
Verse 2:
Then Peter answered him, and said, "Lord,
If it be Thou, bid me come unto Thee."
Then Jesus answered him, and said, "Come."
And Peter left the ship for the sea.
But when he saw the wind he was afraid.
He began to sink, and to the Lord cried out.
But Jesus quickly stretched forth His hand,
And said, "O thou of little faith, why dids't thou doubt?"
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Sunday, June 7, 2009
He Restoreth My Soul
I'm back! I hope people still read this, as it's been over a month since I've written anything on here. I will seriously try to keep posting something in the future :-)
Life is good. And life is good because I have a good God, a living God, Who works all things out for good to those who love Him, to those who are the called according to His purpose - the purpose of being conformed to the image of His Son. I've entitled the name of this post He Restoreth My Soul because I have been so amazed at just how God is restoring my soul, and with how much detail He has been doing it. Can I just take a minute and tell you about how wonderful my God is?
Let me preface this: The book of Job starts out with a godly man being slammed with horrible trials that were not chastisements or punishments. Now, I'm no Job; but if such a good man like him could go through such terrible disasters, then who do I think I am to not face any trials or troubles in my life? If Jesus Christ - Who did no sin - had to go through such painful circumstances in His life and didn't even deserve to suffer, then who do I, a sinner, think I am that I won't face any difficulties in my life? Anyway, in Job 1:21, Job makes this statement: "The LORD gave, and the LORD hath taken away; blessed be the name of the LORD." Recently, I felt like the LORD had taken everything away from me. I tried to figure it out, as to why it all happened. Like Job, I failed to understand (Job 42:3). All I did understand was that sometimes the LORD gives, and the LORD takes away: my response must be, "Blessed be the name of the LORD." At first, I struggled. I didn't like what had happened. But then I started to see the good hand of my God upon me. Instead of looking at what I had lost, God began to show me that He was replacing everything He had taken away - and He was replacing everything to the detail and more! When I started looking at my life from this new perspective, I literally laughed, amazed that the LORD would do something so wonderful and would put His fingerprints all over His work so I would know it was Him! The blessings were (are) numerous, the kindness of God was (is) overwhelming, and my faith in Him was (is) strengthened as I realized what was happening, and felt the LORD telling me, "In My own good time all you lost will be replaced, down to the detail." And what does this have to do with Job? Have you seen the end of the Lord, that He is very pitiful? (James 5:11). What did God do for Job at the end of the trial? "the LORD gave Job twice as much as he had before."(Job 42:10). The same living God Who was Job's God is my God. And His character has not changed. I am living proof and will testify that even today He truly does restore souls, and replaces what His children lose. I'd like to share a song I wrote about a year ago, when I was going through trials in my own life, and I had no answer for. Perhaps the words will speak for themselves...
But now I know, like Job, God gives and takes away.
Even though Satan God's hand may sway.
Oh, and before I sign off, one more newsflash. Check out my brother's new blog! http://www.jaredspangenberg.blogspot.com/. He's one of the most spiritual men I know - a deep thinker, an honest man, a practical person, who just wants to follow Christ. Of course I'm a prejudiced older sister, right? :-) Seriously, check it out. May you be encouraged in the goodness of our living God!
Life is good. And life is good because I have a good God, a living God, Who works all things out for good to those who love Him, to those who are the called according to His purpose - the purpose of being conformed to the image of His Son. I've entitled the name of this post He Restoreth My Soul because I have been so amazed at just how God is restoring my soul, and with how much detail He has been doing it. Can I just take a minute and tell you about how wonderful my God is?
Let me preface this: The book of Job starts out with a godly man being slammed with horrible trials that were not chastisements or punishments. Now, I'm no Job; but if such a good man like him could go through such terrible disasters, then who do I think I am to not face any trials or troubles in my life? If Jesus Christ - Who did no sin - had to go through such painful circumstances in His life and didn't even deserve to suffer, then who do I, a sinner, think I am that I won't face any difficulties in my life? Anyway, in Job 1:21, Job makes this statement: "The LORD gave, and the LORD hath taken away; blessed be the name of the LORD." Recently, I felt like the LORD had taken everything away from me. I tried to figure it out, as to why it all happened. Like Job, I failed to understand (Job 42:3). All I did understand was that sometimes the LORD gives, and the LORD takes away: my response must be, "Blessed be the name of the LORD." At first, I struggled. I didn't like what had happened. But then I started to see the good hand of my God upon me. Instead of looking at what I had lost, God began to show me that He was replacing everything He had taken away - and He was replacing everything to the detail and more! When I started looking at my life from this new perspective, I literally laughed, amazed that the LORD would do something so wonderful and would put His fingerprints all over His work so I would know it was Him! The blessings were (are) numerous, the kindness of God was (is) overwhelming, and my faith in Him was (is) strengthened as I realized what was happening, and felt the LORD telling me, "In My own good time all you lost will be replaced, down to the detail." And what does this have to do with Job? Have you seen the end of the Lord, that He is very pitiful? (James 5:11). What did God do for Job at the end of the trial? "the LORD gave Job twice as much as he had before."(Job 42:10). The same living God Who was Job's God is my God. And His character has not changed. I am living proof and will testify that even today He truly does restore souls, and replaces what His children lose. I'd like to share a song I wrote about a year ago, when I was going through trials in my own life, and I had no answer for. Perhaps the words will speak for themselves...
Verse 1:
There've been times in my life when I thought the LORD did bless;
And I wondered what I'd done to deserve a gift like this.
But then there have been times when evil did fall,
And I wondered what I'd done to deserve a judgment call.
As I thought of all that happened - the good and the bad -
And what could have been different, what changes I could've had.
But now it is all over; Time its course has run.
Yet still I wonder why God's allowed what has been done.
Yet still I wonder why God's allowed what has been done.
But now I know, like Job, God gives and takes away.
Even though Satan God's hand may sway.
But I know that He's allowed it, and through the storm I'll say,
"Blessed be the name of the LORD, Who gives and takes away."
Verse 2:
Like with Abraham and Isaac, sometimes God will stay
The hand of death and sadness, and let hope light the way.
But other times, like with Jesus, God allows His loved to die.
For the good it will bring others, that new life they may find.
Verse 3:
O Christian in great struggle, give thanks in everything.
For your Father up in Heaven, great good for you will bring.
You've seen the end of Job, how the Lord is very pitiful.
And in His own good time He makes all things beautiful!
For now I know, like Job, God gives and takes away,
For now I know, like Job, God gives and takes away,
Even though Satan God's hand may sway.
But I know that He's allowed it, and through the storm I'll say,
"Blessed be the name of the LORD Who gives and takes away."
"Blessed be the name of the LORD Who gives and takes away."
"Blessed be the name of the LORD Who gives and takes away."
Oh, and before I sign off, one more newsflash. Check out my brother's new blog! http://www.jaredspangenberg.blogspot.com/. He's one of the most spiritual men I know - a deep thinker, an honest man, a practical person, who just wants to follow Christ. Of course I'm a prejudiced older sister, right? :-) Seriously, check it out. May you be encouraged in the goodness of our living God!
Saturday, May 2, 2009
This and That
As I'm not one to really post about my life on the world-wide web, I guess I shall post a few thoughts from life over the past week or so :-)
1. Friends of ours had a beautiful baby girl born this week. She's a perfect, cute newborn, that God was very good to give to this sweet couple. I enjoyed holding her, and seeing her tiny little features. On top of all that, I won the contest that we played at her baby shower, of guessing the closest to the date and time of her birth, as well as other details. These friends will be taking me out to eat as a prize - yay! Thank you Lord, for babies.
2. The weather has been beautiful - absolutely gorgeous. Thank You, Lord, for nice days.
3. I got to see my nephews this week, and play with them. Little "C" had his first pool-encounter-of-the-year on our front lawn, in the little green turtle sandbox-turned-pool. He had so much fun splashing me...actually, I think he enjoyed seeing my reaction, hehe. Thank You, Lord, for family and little children.
4. We had a good time at our other friends' house last night. Good start to a Bible study us girls are doing, then we watched a movie. Thank You, Lord, for friends.
5. I realized this week that my relationship with God has been growing greatly recently. It's sweet, it's comforting, and I truly have a living God Who answers prayer the way He knows is best. It's almost like we're really "walking" together. Thank You, Lord, for caring about me like this.
Well, how about some pics?
Little "C" loved, loved, loved the water!

Little "E" loved the outdoors :-)
1. Friends of ours had a beautiful baby girl born this week. She's a perfect, cute newborn, that God was very good to give to this sweet couple. I enjoyed holding her, and seeing her tiny little features. On top of all that, I won the contest that we played at her baby shower, of guessing the closest to the date and time of her birth, as well as other details. These friends will be taking me out to eat as a prize - yay! Thank you Lord, for babies.
2. The weather has been beautiful - absolutely gorgeous. Thank You, Lord, for nice days.
3. I got to see my nephews this week, and play with them. Little "C" had his first pool-encounter-of-the-year on our front lawn, in the little green turtle sandbox-turned-pool. He had so much fun splashing me...actually, I think he enjoyed seeing my reaction, hehe. Thank You, Lord, for family and little children.
4. We had a good time at our other friends' house last night. Good start to a Bible study us girls are doing, then we watched a movie. Thank You, Lord, for friends.
5. I realized this week that my relationship with God has been growing greatly recently. It's sweet, it's comforting, and I truly have a living God Who answers prayer the way He knows is best. It's almost like we're really "walking" together. Thank You, Lord, for caring about me like this.
Well, how about some pics?


Little "E" loved the outdoors :-)
Monday, April 20, 2009
New Music Happenings
I've had two new advancements to my music endeavors that'd I' like to share :-) First, my blog has been "moved" to my music website - http://www.psalmstriss.com/. If you click on the home page, there's a link on the left side called "My Blog." Creative title, isn't it? But then again, if you're reading this, you probably already found that out :-) If you're on blogger, can you go to my psalmstriss site and read it? That is where blogger is supposed to redirect it. In case you're wondering why, I'm trying to get more hits on my psalmstriss website, so that's why the blog is over there.
Second, after trying to troubleshoot a slight problem on my blog, I realized I had never checked to see if the Rainstorm CD I had sent to CD Baby had made it to digital distribution - aka, made it to iTunes yet or not. So, off I went to iTunes, found the search option, and typed in my name...and found that the Rainstorm CD is on there! Woo-hoo!
So, that's where I'm at now in my musical adventure! Now enough talk, and time for a picture. Well, we just got back from a weekend trip to the shore. It is so beautiful down by the water. In fact, I shall post a picture of the absolute beauty of the bay... thanks for taking the pic, Katie!
Second, after trying to troubleshoot a slight problem on my blog, I realized I had never checked to see if the Rainstorm CD I had sent to CD Baby had made it to digital distribution - aka, made it to iTunes yet or not. So, off I went to iTunes, found the search option, and typed in my name...and found that the Rainstorm CD is on there! Woo-hoo!
So, that's where I'm at now in my musical adventure! Now enough talk, and time for a picture. Well, we just got back from a weekend trip to the shore. It is so beautiful down by the water. In fact, I shall post a picture of the absolute beauty of the bay... thanks for taking the pic, Katie!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009
It's Been Awhile...
It's been awhile since I last posted on here...so now I'm finally getting around to it :-) I'm starting to get back into my music world, so that's a good thing - gives me things to post about. Last night I was at the home of good friends of ours, the "J's," who have an awesome piano! I was able to record 4 songs there. It just inspires me to redo all my songs; but that takes a long time. All the recording, editing, and mixing take awhile. I wish I could just do everything perfectly the first time, but, alas, it doesn't always happen that way.
This is the "studio" where I recorded at our friends' house. This piano is so neat! It can harmonize a voice into different parts. I love that feature.


This is "C" on the go, as you can see, unless it's the camera quality (this was taken on my phone). Little man played shy when he saw me, until I picked him up. Then he wouldn't let me put him down to pick up "E" when he started crying. So we played, and we pushed a few cars across the floor. I also deflected an object that went flying from his hands in the direction of little "E's" face. All in all, it was a great night :-)
I suppose I should post about the story behind another one of my songs. but before that, which will be another post, there should really be some pictures on here. So, I shall post about last night.
This is the "studio" where I recorded at our friends' house. This piano is so neat! It can harmonize a voice into different parts. I love that feature.
And of course, if one is up in the area, no outing is complete without a visit to the two most adorable little men: C & E.
This is "C" on the go, as you can see, unless it's the camera quality (this was taken on my phone). Little man played shy when he saw me, until I picked him up. Then he wouldn't let me put him down to pick up "E" when he started crying. So we played, and we pushed a few cars across the floor. I also deflected an object that went flying from his hands in the direction of little "E's" face. All in all, it was a great night :-)
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