A few years ago, I wrote a song called, Step Out of the Ship. The idea for writing it actually came from a comment my dad had made to someone about how they were looking at the waves in their life, and as a result, how they "fell." I was then reminded of the Biblical account in Matthew 14:23-33. Matthew tells the story of Jesus walking on the water towards His disciples, and how Peter stepped out onto the sea by faith, walking on the waves towards Jesus. But then, instead of keeping His eyes on Christ, he started looking at the wind. It was then that he began to sink. But then he wised up, and he called out to Jesus, Who immediately reached out and grabbed him. That was the smartest thing Peter could do in that situation. I wonder how many times I've been there, and instead of calling out to Christ, I've tried to figure out how I can get myself out of the waves...turn your eyes on Christ, and walk on water!
Verse 1:
The disciples of the Lord were in a ship,
Toiling in their rowing on the sea.
When out walking on the waves they saw a man,
And they wondered in fear who it could be.
For when they saw that man they were afraid.
They were troubled and cried out in fear.
But Jesus quickly spake unto them,
Saying, "It's I, be not afraid, be of good cheer."
Step out of the ship, put your feet upon the water,
Come while the Savior calls to you.
Turn your eyes from the wind,
Keep your eyes upon the Savior,
Come while He calls for you.
Verse 2:
Then Peter answered him, and said, "Lord,
If it be Thou, bid me come unto Thee."
Then Jesus answered him, and said, "Come."
And Peter left the ship for the sea.
But when he saw the wind he was afraid.
He began to sink, and to the Lord cried out.
But Jesus quickly stretched forth His hand,
And said, "O thou of little faith, why dids't thou doubt?"
So true...