Life is good. And life is good because I have a good God, a living God, Who works all things out for good to those who love Him, to those who are the called according to His purpose - the purpose of being conformed to the image of His Son. I've entitled the name of this post He Restoreth My Soul because I have been so amazed at just how God is restoring my soul, and with how much detail He has been doing it. Can I just take a minute and tell you about how wonderful my God is?
Let me preface this: The book of Job starts out with a godly man being slammed with horrible trials that were not chastisements or punishments. Now, I'm no Job; but if such a good man like him could go through such terrible disasters, then who do I think I am to not face any trials or troubles in my life? If Jesus Christ - Who did no sin - had to go through such painful circumstances in His life and didn't even deserve to suffer, then who do I, a sinner, think I am that I won't face any difficulties in my life? Anyway, in Job 1:21, Job makes this statement: "The LORD gave, and the LORD hath taken away; blessed be the name of the LORD." Recently, I felt like the LORD had taken everything away from me. I tried to figure it out, as to why it all happened. Like Job, I failed to understand (Job 42:3). All I did understand was that sometimes the LORD gives, and the LORD takes away: my response must be, "Blessed be the name of the LORD." At first, I struggled. I didn't like what had happened. But then I started to see the good hand of my God upon me. Instead of looking at what I had lost, God began to show me that He was replacing everything He had taken away - and He was replacing everything to the detail and more! When I started looking at my life from this new perspective, I literally laughed, amazed that the LORD would do something so wonderful and would put His fingerprints all over His work so I would know it was Him! The blessings were (are) numerous, the kindness of God was (is) overwhelming, and my faith in Him was (is) strengthened as I realized what was happening, and felt the LORD telling me, "In My own good time all you lost will be replaced, down to the detail." And what does this have to do with Job? Have you seen the end of the Lord, that He is very pitiful? (James 5:11). What did God do for Job at the end of the trial? "the LORD gave Job twice as much as he had before."(Job 42:10). The same living God Who was Job's God is my God. And His character has not changed. I am living proof and will testify that even today He truly does restore souls, and replaces what His children lose. I'd like to share a song I wrote about a year ago, when I was going through trials in my own life, and I had no answer for. Perhaps the words will speak for themselves...
Verse 1:
There've been times in my life when I thought the LORD did bless;
And I wondered what I'd done to deserve a gift like this.
But then there have been times when evil did fall,
And I wondered what I'd done to deserve a judgment call.
As I thought of all that happened - the good and the bad -
And what could have been different, what changes I could've had.
But now it is all over; Time its course has run.
Yet still I wonder why God's allowed what has been done.
Yet still I wonder why God's allowed what has been done.
But now I know, like Job, God gives and takes away.
Even though Satan God's hand may sway.
But I know that He's allowed it, and through the storm I'll say,
"Blessed be the name of the LORD, Who gives and takes away."
Verse 2:
Like with Abraham and Isaac, sometimes God will stay
The hand of death and sadness, and let hope light the way.
But other times, like with Jesus, God allows His loved to die.
For the good it will bring others, that new life they may find.
Verse 3:
O Christian in great struggle, give thanks in everything.
For your Father up in Heaven, great good for you will bring.
You've seen the end of Job, how the Lord is very pitiful.
And in His own good time He makes all things beautiful!
For now I know, like Job, God gives and takes away,
For now I know, like Job, God gives and takes away,
Even though Satan God's hand may sway.
But I know that He's allowed it, and through the storm I'll say,
"Blessed be the name of the LORD Who gives and takes away."
"Blessed be the name of the LORD Who gives and takes away."
"Blessed be the name of the LORD Who gives and takes away."
Oh, and before I sign off, one more newsflash. Check out my brother's new blog! He's one of the most spiritual men I know - a deep thinker, an honest man, a practical person, who just wants to follow Christ. Of course I'm a prejudiced older sister, right? :-) Seriously, check it out. May you be encouraged in the goodness of our living God!
Amen! :)
ReplyDeleteI'm glad your back!!
Wonderful... keep enjoying your life in Christ Melissa, it pleases the Lord. It pleases the Lord to have his children walk in light, loving our brothers and sisters in Christ and rejoicing in what He takes and gives. Tina