As we go through life, we can’t help wounding others with our words, actions, and reactions. We ourselves also suffer the consequences of others’ wrong choices. Sometimes, the wounds we suffer at the hands of others leave scars that take a long time to fade away. On the other hand, we sometimes inflict wounds on others that leave scars in their lives. The worst types of scars are the ones that we don’t think we deserve. In other words, when we are innocent and suffering for others’ sins; not because of something we did, but because of what someone else did. They are the hardest to bear, and I wonder how many people actually have good attitudes when that happens. We tend to lash out in anger at those who’ve hurt us. How many of us would actually respond in love to those who’ve wronged us? How many of us would actually volunteer to suffer for someone else’s mistakes so they could go free? Before we pass judgment on other people, we should look at ourselves. Is there anyone in life that we have wounded, who is bearing sins’ scars for us?
For those of us who are saved, the Bible promises that some day we will get new bodies. God will wipe away all tears from our eyes, and there will be no more sorrow and no more crying (Rev.21:4). All the scars that we’ve accumulated in this life will be gone! Thank God for that! However, there is One in Heaven Who will never lose the scars of my sin; Someone Who never did anything wrong, yet suffered for everyone else’s wrong choices – and He did it willingly, in love. He is the Lamb of God, and when we see Him in heaven, we will see as the Lamb that was slain (Rev.5:6). Thank God for the Lamb that was slain for our sins, and that He chose to bear our scars, so that we didn’t have to…
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Verse 1:
Every day in life we make choices;
How we live, how we act, what we say.
And sometimes we will wound or be wounded,
Leaving scars that take long to fade away.
But we have hope that someday we’ll all be changed.And the scars we had will all fade away.When all sorrow and tears are over,
And we enter God’s eternal day.
But there’s One in Heaven called “the Lamb,”
Who, for us sinners, was slain.
And although the price of sin He has paid,
The scars it left on Him will never fade.
Verse 2:
Someday we will gaze upon this Lamb,
And behold His riven hands and His side.We will cast down our crowns at His pierced feet,
And remember it was for us that He died.
But for now, in Heaven He does plead,
For the ones who from sin He has set free;
As we await His call to incorruption,
When death is swallowed up in victory.
And I thank God for this Lamb that was slain,For salvation only comes through His name,
And I will sing eternally of this Lamb Who died for me,
Behold, the Lamb of God!
And although the price of sin He has paid,
The scars I left on Him will never fade.